Capital Smart City Interchange Approval from NHA

Capital Smart City Interchange Approval from NHA (National Highway Authority) on 4 February 2022 is a great milestone for the owners, residents, and investors. Accessible points of any society play a major role in increasing prices in society, so it was the prime feature of a smart capital city to attract investors.

The owners and builders struggled to get approval for this interchange from NHA. Finally, NHA held a meeting on 4 February 2022 in which the capital Smart city interchange was officially announced. This interchange will play a great role in uplifting society’s worth and prices.

Updates About Capital Smart city Islamabad Interchange Construction Process

The good news is that the construction work started immediately after approval. First, an inauguration ceremony was organized. Afterward, organizers opened the gate for the high officials and the workers. SC management, along with the collaboration of NHA, is working day and night to complete this interchange spread over 323-324 km.

It is expected that just like their other promises, capital smart city owners will fulfill this promise as soon as possible. And soon after the completion, CSC authorities will open the interchange for the common public.

Capital smart city interchange

NHA Conditions for Interchange Approval and CSC Management Commitment

NHA has a very strict policy to approve any interchange. Because this is a public institution and any loophole in the approval can stake their institution. So, the higher authorities have specified rules and regulations for the approval of interchange. NHA approve the interchange when 75 percent of their policies are satisfied even before starting the construction work.

CSC management’s commitment to their residents and honesty towards their work helps them to fulfill these conditions.

Why Capital Smart City Interchange Was Necessary

The smart capital city is Pakistan’s first-ever smart city with a fully developed infrastructure. However, the society has only one access point from Chakri road, which is a very busy road with many vehicles. Moreover, as society’s population is increasing daily, more than one access point for the residents is needed.

Moreover, this interchange reduces the traveling time between the cities. The residents will have direct access to the interchange, saving them time. This interchange is not beneficial for the CSC residents only. Rather adjacent societies will also benefit from this interchange.

Approval Of Capital Smart City Interchange: A Call For The Investors

Nearby places of any society increase the rates of land in society.CSC is already a well-established society offering executive-class facilities for its residents. So, people show their interest in buying plots there. But, interchange approval is a feature that can rapidly increase the prices in the capital smart city.

Investors are very interested in buying land here now as they know they can double the money in the coming years by investing here. So, if you plan to buy a plot in CSC, buy it now. It is the very best time to invest.

What is an interchange?

It is a junction or point which separates two highways and allows smooth traffic between different cities and highways.

What is the importance of the Capital smart city interchange?

Residents of CSC will enter from two different points. Chakri road is a very busy road due to high traffic. Capital smart city interchange will divide residents’ traffic between Chakri road and the interchange. Moreover, it will also be beneficial for the adjacent societies’ residents. It will reduce the time traveling between CSC to different cities as the residents will have direct access to the motorway.

How much area is dedicated to the CSC interchange?

The total land area dedicated to the interchange is 323-324 km. This area will be the authority of NHA.So it is an appreciable act from CSC management that they dedicated this land for the prosperity of their residents.

Does this interchange increase the prices of land in CSC?

Yes, definitely. Interchange construction will lead to high prices per marla in the capital smart city. So, it is a very good time to invest there.

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