Punjab Plans 500 solar water pumps across in 13 Districts

The government of Punjab has approved a plan to install 500 solar water pumps across 13 districts. The project aims to provide farmers in barani areas of the province with access to reliable and cost-effective irrigation facilities. The initiative is also expected to offer drinking water to remote villages.

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Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, the chief minister of Punjab, approved the project’s first phase, which will supply water to 2,270 acres of land. Farmers can install a solar water pump individually or work together in groups of ten.

The Punjab government is examining the implementation of the solar water pump scheme. A meeting was recently held, chaired by the chief minister, and attended by officials from various government departments, including the Agency for Barani Areas Development (ABAD), the Secretary of P&D, the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of C&W, the Secretary Transport, and the former Federal Secretary and Chairman Planning and Development Board Salman Ghani.

The installation of solar water pumps is part of the Punjab government’s broader efforts to promote the use of renewable energy in the province. By installing these pumps, the government hopes to reduce farmers’ reliance on diesel-powered pumps, which are expensive to operate and contribute to air pollution.

The project is expected to positively impact the environment by reducing air pollution, which is a major contributor to climate change. The use of solar energy will also help to conserve the country’s natural resources and reduce its carbon footprint.

The government of Punjab is determined to encourage the use of renewable energy in the province. The installation of solar water pumps is just one example of its commitment to a sustainable future. The project is expected to benefit many farmers across the 13 districts and may even serve as a model for other parts of the country.


In conclusion, the installation of 500 solar water pumps across 13 districts in Punjab is a commendable effort by the government to promote sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. This initiative will provide farmers with reliable and cost-effective irrigation facilities and offer drinking water to remote villages. The project is a step forward in the fight against air pollution and climate change and may inspire other provinces to adopt similar measures.

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